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Fostering a New Era of Success: Cultivating Black Male Educators to Propel Student Achievement
The American education system faces a persistent and troubling gap: the significant underrepresentation of Black male educators.
Leading with Purpose: Lessons from My Initial Years as a College President
The college presidency is a beautiful responsibility.
Resilient Resistance: Sustaining DEI Efforts During A Time of Crisis
Resilient resistance is the ability to continuously adapt as a strategy to sustain the pressure necessary to influence systemic change.
Unapologetic Leadership Thought: Freedom Dreaming
Freedom Dreaming shows people that boundaries are imaginary.
Time for Action on Off-Campus Housing
Want to surprise a college-bound student? Tell them that just 16% of all college students live on campus.
Critical Race Theory, Mental Health, and Improving K-12 Classroom Practices Took Precedence at Alpha Scholarship and Charitable Foundation Conference
Critical race theory in education, K-12 classroom practices, the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of school communities, and the importance of self-advocacy on college campuses, was the focus of inaugural convening.
Higher Education Chief Diversity Officer: The Toughest Job You Will Ever Love
A successful CDO leader must be strategically and purposely positioned and supported with the appropriate resources and funding. Whether the line is fully drawn or dotted, today’s executive diversity officers should be connected to the president.
Affirming Black Boys’ Identity
As Black educators dedicated to closing racial achievement gaps and preventing low achievement and underachievement, we are quite familiar with the power of literature, especially representation in multicultural literature.
'Skills Builders': Mislabeled and Misunderstood
The changing needs of the modern American workforce will require continuous training among current and future employees
January 6, 2021: As an Historical Fact, and not a Romanticized Fiction
Accurately capturing an essential episode in the history of the United States, what transpired on January 6, 2021, is critically important.
Why Access to Computer Science Education Should Be the New Space Race
Expanding access to computer science at an accelerated rate in 2022 is pivotal. Computer science courses in high school should be the norm as opposed to an anomaly.
When the Research Topic Chooses You
I have often wondered why someone pursues a certain research topic.
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New America Launch Accelerator for Community Colleges
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Wallace State Among Aspen Prize Finalists, Caring Campuses
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California Legislators Pass Tuition-Free Community College Bachelor’s Degree Bill
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International Conference to Focus on Black Males in Education
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