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Workforce Development: Page 8
Workforce Development
Hartford Businesses, Colleges Form Synergetic Relationships
Kiley Russell’s story was all too familiar. In her mid-20s, with some college experience and lots of student-loan debt, Russell spent time waitressing and bartending while she searched for a rewarding career she could sink her teeth into. She went back to school last year, but rather than study anthropology or sociology like she had […]
Workforce Development
4 Colleges Launching Apprenticeships in Robotics
With a grant from a non-profit robotics manufacturing institute and some additional support from the state, several state community colleges will be launching a two-year apprenticeship program this spring in advanced robotics. The program, which will include a mix of class time and paid apprenticeship training at a manufacturer, will enable about 30 students to […]
Workforce Development
Tuition-Free Coding School to Launch In W.Va.
HUNTINGTON, W.Va. — Officials say West Virginia has a new, tuition-free coding school. The Herald-Dispatch reports Huntington Mayor Steve Williams was among officials who announced the launch of NewForce on Oct. 11 at Mountwest Community and Technical College. Potential students do not need experience in coding, software development or math. The school will offer six […]
Workforce Development
Kentucky Residents Wait, Train for Mill That’s Not Built
ASHLAND, Ky. — Things fall through for Chris Jackson. A construction job, promised if he completed a carpentry program, vanished two weeks before his exit exam. A coveted, $100,000-a-year union job at a steel mill disappeared when the plant closed. Now, a businessman is promising him — and more than 130 others — a job […]
Workforce Development
Survey: Nearly Half of N.Y. Grads Took Remedial Course in College
A statewide coalition focused on better preparing high school students for college and careers released a new survey that shows much work needs to be done. Only one in three recent high school graduates in New York State felt “significantly challenged” by their high school courses. Nearly half of those who went to college reported […]
Workforce Development
Program for Heavy Equipment Operators Expands
MIDDLETOWN, Va. – A year after becoming the first community college in Virginia to offer a statewide industry credential program for heavy equipment operators, Lord Fairfax Community College (LFCC) is expanding the program. LFCC is partnering with two other community colleges to provide greater access to the in-demand training. Virginia’s community colleges announced that the 23-college system […]
Workforce Development
Colleges Reach Out to Businesses on Workforce Needs
MONTGOMERY, AL – Community colleges across Alabama are reaching out to businesses, asking how they can prep students to meet the state’s labor demand. Jimmy Baker, the chancellor of the Alabama Community College System, said the board for the system noticed there was a lack of skilled laborers for the companies across the state. “What […]
Workforce Development
Massachusetts Works to Close Cybersecurity Skills Gaps
In 2017, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker announced the creation of the Cybersecurity Growth and Development Center at the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. Now called the MassCyberCenter, the organization is helping institutions provide students with skills training for entry-level cybersecurity jobs, through a grant program called the Massachusetts Cybersecurity Workforce Challenge. Read more
Workforce Development
Texas College, Facebook Join Forces on Digital Marketing Certificate
AUSTIN — Austin Community College is teaming up with Facebook to create a new certificate program, a statement from the company said. On Sept. 24, Facebook announced that, as part of the company’s pledge to train 1 million people and small businesses across the country in digital skills by 2020, they are partnering with ACC […]
Workforce Development
Upstate N.Y. Colleges Partner on Workforce Development
TROY — The five community colleges serving the greater Capital Region announced a partnership Tuesday to create better career paths for students. The Capital Community College Career Coalition, or C5, seeks to have a greater combined impact doing what each of the five has been doing on its own to greater or lesser degree for […]
Workforce Development
Brookings Report: Free College Benefits Unclear
The price of college is rising, making college feel out of reach for a rising share of Americans. Families can borrow to be sure, but with total student loan debt now above $1 trillion nationally, the situation seems unsustainable. Meanwhile, we face a long-term decline in our international ranking on college attainment and the disparities […]
Workforce Development
Tennessee Colleges Out Front on Reforms, Columbia U. Study Says
Tennessee’s community colleges are “probably the furthest along in implementing guided pathways reforms” of any community college system in the nation, according to a new study by Columbia University in New York City that was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. “All 13 Tennessee community colleges are reforming their programs, policies, and processes […]
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New America Launch Accelerator for Community Colleges
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Wallace State Among Aspen Prize Finalists, Caring Campuses
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California Legislators Pass Tuition-Free Community College Bachelor’s Degree Bill
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International Conference to Focus on Black Males in Education
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