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Get COCC out of North Lake County
As a second generation Central Oregon Community College student, I am proud of the college and what it has done for my family and our community. However, I am also aware of its flaws, including its limited investment in online learning. As a working parent, I had to take most of my nursing prerequisite courses […]
Opinion: Community Colleges Are Key to California’s Educational Future
Pick an issue, any issue, and you’ll hear from the well-meaning throngs that theirs is a top priority for California’s long-term success. But the multitude of issues and solutions won’t bring about real, lasting change without addressing the common denominator that could make or break the Golden State: higher education. It’s almost a prerequisite for […]
Community College Funding Must Become a State Priority
K-12 basic education has gotten all the budget attention, but two-year schools can’t be ignored. When it comes to funding education, kindergarten through high school is the state’s top priority. And that’s why fully funding basic education is — as it should be — mandated by the state constitution. Read More
Opinion | Congrats on your high school graduation. Now go to college!
The election of new state leaders presents an opportunity for all of us to embrace the notion that “college is for everyone.” At Detroit College Access Network (DCAN), we define college as a valuable post-secondary education beyond high school including professional and technical certificates and credentials, apprenticeships, and four- and two-year degrees.
Californians Want to Make Community College Free
A new poll from the Public Policy Institute of California finds that 53 percent of Golden State adults believe that tuition-free community college should be a priority for the next governor. With the state reporting major cash surpluses, the incoming administration might be inclined to act. But zeroing out the cost of junior colleges won’t save California […]
More DREAMs come true in California: How tuition waivers opened doors for undocumented students
California decided to crack open the door to higher education a little more for undocumented students through the California DREAM Act. In a new study of the impact of this 2013 policy, education researcher Samantha Astudillo and I discovered that it helped put undocumented students on equal footing with students who are U.S. citizens in […]
OPINION: Middle college idea offers great possibilities
A potential partnership between the Tupelo Public School District and Itawamba Community College offers exciting possibilities. The two educational entities have been exploring the possibility of a middle college, as reported by the Daily Journal’s Dillon Mullan. The concept would share similarities with Tupelo’s current dual enrollment program but would go much deeper, providing students […]
California must find new pathways toward a working economy
Conventional indicators of economic well-being — the unemployment rate, the rate of economic growth and (despite some recent setbacks) the stock market — suggest that Americans are doing quite well. But the American people know that, for the average person, things are not getting better. This is particularly true in the Bay Area, notwithstanding popular […]
Tennessee community colleges must improve graduation rates if we are going to do right by our students
“Miserable” and “embarrassing.” These are the harsh words outgoing Governor Bill Haslam recently used to describe community college graduation rates in Tennessee. His assessment, while blunt, is undeniably true. Thanks to programs like Tennessee Promise and Tennessee Reconnect that cover tuition for eligible students, enrollment in our state’s community colleges has ticked up in recent […]
Editorial: Education changes and Amazon’s HQ2 could help workers across the entire state
GOV. RALPH Northam’s recent announcement of plans for changes in Virginia’s community college system raises hope that Amazon’s much-hyped decision to build one of two additional headquarters — dubbed HQ2 — in Northern Virginia really could have benefits for the entire state. That was the idea when state leaders offered substantial subsidies and investments as […]
EDITORIAL: College-university agreements benefit many students in Valley
It has long been said that one of the best ways to address low incomes and high unemployment, as we see in the Rio Grande Valley, is through education. So it’s good to see educational opportunities continue to grow for people in this region. Local public, private and charter schools show steady improvement, and the […]
OPINION: Don’t trust university accreditors to stop for-profit schools from scamming veterans
When U.S. Marine Anselm Caddell completed his tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, all he wanted to do was pursue a degree in criminal justice. It was a path he believed would provide him with the skills and credentials for a career in the security industry. A recruiter from the for-profit Brown Mackie College in Caddell’s […]
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New America Launch Accelerator for Community Colleges
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Wallace State Among Aspen Prize Finalists, Caring Campuses
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California Legislators Pass Tuition-Free Community College Bachelor’s Degree Bill
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International Conference to Focus on Black Males in Education
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